The NPM at the IAA Mobility

The new IAA Mobility will open its doors in Munich from September 7 to 12, 2021, at the exhibition center and centrally located in the city center. More than 1,000 exhibitors and speakers from almost 30 countries have announced their participation. NPM will also be there and will present itself in the conference and public […]

12th meeting of the NPM Steering Committee: full agenda before the summer break

Before the upcoming summer break, the Chair of the National Platform invited the members of the Steering Committee to the 12th meeting to address and discuss current mobility topics and to make related decisions for the continuation of the NPM work. On the agenda was the adoption of a number of important working group reports. […]

Future Mobility Summit 2021

The Future Mobility Summit brings together national and international mobility experts. In virtual panels, fireside chats and master classes, they discuss the latest trends, opportunities and challenges for changing the world of mobility.  As an important part of the mobility turnaround in Germany, six other experts from the National Future Platform of Mobility are represented […]

Launch of new cooperation between the Netherlands and Germany in the area of sustainable mobility

Seizing future opportunities together: development and strengthening of public-private partnerships between the two countries in the area of mobility   Aim of the cooperation: exchange of information and experiences, networking between the science and business communities, cooperation in the area of cross-border mobility solutions  Initial topics of the cooperation: decarbonisation of heavy commercial vehicles and intelligent charging of electric vehicles  Both the Netherlands and Germany have paved the way for modernising and making sustainable their mobility sectors. Both countries share the belief […]

Results from the 11th meeting of the NPM Steering Committee

In today’s 11th meeting of the NPM Steering Committee, the content of the work of the NPM for the current year was discussed and organised. Three new reports drawn up by Working Groups 2, 4 and 5 were the first results to be presented for 2021.  WG 2: Roadmap “Market ramp-up of alternative drives and fuels from a technological perspective”  In preparing the roadmap, both the […]

Kick-Off: Dutch-German Cooperation on Sustainable Mobility

A strategic digital event organized by the Dutch Embassy Network, National Platform on the Future of Mobility (NPM), RAI AutomotiveNL and Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), March 25th, 2021. Both Germany and the Netherlands are striving to modernise their mobility infrastructure and make it sustainable. The goal is clear: in the future, mobility must not only […]

NPM’s second progress report highlights importance of innovations for the transition to sustainable mobility

NPM’s key concern: an integrated view of mobility and user needs.  Shaping transformation with innovations: the progress report 2020 gives an insight into the work of the NPM’s working groups over the past year.  COVID-19 and mobility: special assignments for the NPM due to the corona situation on top of the 20 reports from the working groups.  Political decisions taking effect: the legislation that entered into force in 2020 is having an effect […]